Calgary Bowness Montgomery Real Estate Home News - Blog Archive: November, 2011

Selling your home can be exciting and scary. It means the end of one chapter of your life and the beginning of another. Team Ken Richter has a few tips for you to get you through selling your home, so you can begin the new chapter of your life with no regrets!

Detach yourself emotionally: Buying real estate is an emotional decision, but the opposite needs to be true for selling real estate. Emotions can get in the way of selling your property. The more attached you are, the harder it will be to convince a potential buyer to see themselves as the new homeowner. Try to get used to the idea that the home will no longer be yours. Think of it as a product to be sold. Visit every room and say “good-bye.” Visualize yourself handing over the keys.


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Indoor Preparations

The most obvious items to address as the winter months approach center largely around ensuring that your home remains warm. Regardless of your heat source there are preventative measures that should be taken to ensure that you remain warm and safe inside your home. Some of the most important areas to assess include:

Furnaces: Regular annual furnace inspections will help keep your furnace in good repair. Cleaning or replacing furnace filters monthly during the operating months will also keep your furnace operating efficiently.

Oil Heaters: Like furnaces, oil heaters require annual inspections and maintenance. Annual inspections should include: inspecting the chimney, cleaning the pipes to remove soot build up, replacing the air…

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