Calgary Bowness Montgomery Real Estate Home News - Blog Archive: September, 2015

Getting a job has become harder than ever before. Having a degree does not cut it anymore. Workplaces are looking for people with years of experience, the ability to adapt to new innovations and individuals who will be a long term asset. Thus, the job market is highly competitive and incredibly difficult to break into.

The problem is threefold: young adults fresh out of University in search of a job to pay off their student loans don’t have years of experience to back them up, the majority of people in search of a job have outdated knowledge of the industry they are attempting to get a job in or no knowledge at all, and the average job that people are desperately trying to get is not their dream job, so unless the salary and benefits are amazing, they…

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With a new season slowly entering Calgary, citizens are taking advantage of the remains of summer. Soon golden leaves will start falling to the ground, but for now the sun is shining late into the evening and the flowers are still in bloom.Tis’ the season for last minute camping trips, BBQ’s and late night adventures. Summers in Calgary are precious, after all.

This summer had a very smoky finale. After weeks of raging forest fires in B.C and northern Washington, smoke drifted into Calgary. The sun was obscured, the air was thick and people were warned not to go outdoors. At one point, Calgary air quality rated at 17 on a 1-10 scale. Unfortunately in some cities bad air is a daily struggle. However, for Calgary this was quite the shock to the system.

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