Calgary Bowness Montgomery Real Estate Home News - Blog Archive: May, 2017

Spring has arrived in Calgary! The grass is green and the flowers are in bloom. People are beginning to venture outside and play again as Calgary warms up for the summertime. Another thing that is warming up is the housing market.

Spring is always the most popular time in real estate. While other times of the year experience peaks in the market, spring is consistently active in the selling, buying, investing and renting sectors. There are a number of reasons why spring is the most popular time to enter the market.

Read on to find out why and how you can reap the rewards of such an active time in real estate.

First and foremost, the timing is ideal. Spring is a time of change and transition. University students are moving for the summer or…

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April was another great month for Calgary real estate! We have continued to see stability in the market, leading to better prices and inventory levels. The success of the real estate market relies heavily on the economy, so as long as our economy continues to get stronger, so will market conditions.

CREB® president David P. Brown had good news to report this month: “More jobs [in Calgary] means less uncertainty for people who are sitting on the fence [about entering the real estate market]. There also tends to be fewer people who need to sell when employment improves, and that can prevent inventory gains and further price reductions in the market.”

CREB® president David P. Brown adds, “it’s a good scenario for sellers who are entering a spring…

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Happy Cinco De Mayo!

This celebratory day is a great way to kick off the beautiful weather we have been having here in Calgary. While many believe Cinco De Mayo to be Mexico’s Independence Day, it actually marks “the date of the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867). A relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with large Mexican-American populations” (read more about it HERE).

Cinco De Mayo starts May’s celebrations, but here are some more events happening around YYC you definitely will want to check out:

Montgomery and Bowness Spring Clean Up || May 6th and 28th,…

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