January 25th is Bell’s “Let’s Talk” Day. This is a great opportunity not just to participate in their initiative, but to take some time to learn more about why mental health is so important and worth investing in.
On their website, Bell writes, “In September 2010, we launched the Bell Let’s Talk mental health initiative, the largest corporate commitment to mental health in Canada focused on 4 key action pillars: fighting the stigma, improving access to care, supporting world class research and leading by example in workplace mental health. Since then, Bell Let’s Talk has committed more than $139 million to Canadian mental health initiatives.”
Wow! Bell Let’s Talk Day also coincides with Blue Monday, January 16th, which statistically has the highest suicide rate across Canada. January as a whole can be a hard month for people. The high of the holidays has worn off, there are no long weekends to look forward to, and—particularly here in Calgary—it can be a cold, dark month.
Given all of this, here are 5 ideas of things you can do to improve your mental health this month when you’re feeling low:
1). Get outside and get some Vitamin D: Studies show fresh air and sunshine do wonders for our mental health.
2). Call a Friend: We all have that one friend that leaves us feeling happy and encouraged. Reach out to them.
3). Create Something: Whether you paint, knit, woodwork, write, or something else, take time to express yourself creatively.
4). Try Something New: It could be a coffee shop, activity, way to get home after work, anything. It doesn’t have to be a hit, but it’s good to challenge ourselves.
5). Practice Gratitude: Take time to write out 10 things you are grateful for. This could be as small as the way a cold Diet Coke tastes, to as large as a big promotion at work. Focus on your wins, big and small.
Remember: you have the power to shape your future. Small steps forward are still steps forward. You’ve got this!
Posted by Ken Richter on
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