Tips for Being Productive This Back-To-School Season

Going back to school this fall? Whether it is grade school, University, night classes, or online school we have some tips to make your back-to-school as great as it can be!

1). Buy new supplies! Even just having a new pencil case and notebook is great motivation to stay organized and work hard! There is something psychological about having fresh school supplies that makes people want to use them and use them well.

2). Sign up for your favorite stores’ email alerts! Although they are annoying for ninety-nine percent of the year, around back-to-school season they are your best chance at catching those great one-day sales for everything from supplies to clothing!

3). Spend a day off trying out your new commute! If you’re driving, see how long the route will take in traffic and if there are any short cuts to make the drive faster. Use your Iphone to map out how to get there—it will usually give you three possible routes so you can see what works best for you. If you are taking city transit to school, make a note in your phone of the bus stop number so that you can call it anytime you want from anywhere you are and learn when the next bus is (hint: this is especially nice when it is cold—no one wants to stand in -40 weather for longer than absolutely necessary).

4). Invest in some new organizational items to make early mornings and late evenings less hectic! Buy a filing system to keep notes and assignments organized, set up a space in the pantry where you can lay out lunch items for each day of the week, set up a desk with all the supplies you’ll need for working on things to avoid scrambling and distraction—the smallest additions can make the biggest differences.

5). Stay organized and tidy! Studies show that people who work in an organized and de-cluttered environment are more productive and happy while working! Sometimes it’s hard not to just dump things on your desk or sprawl out into chaos, but try your best to keep tidy. Taking five minutes to tidy everything up is much more productive than losing thirty minutes because you can’t find anything and are so distracted.

We hope these tips help to make your back-to-school, in whatever form that may be, just a little easier! Have fun and work hard! It is worth it!

Posted by Ken Richter on


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