Canada Day Quiz

Canada Day is Monday! This is such a special and patriotic day for Canadians. It is important to celebrate Canada Day as we honor our past, embrace our present, and work hard to make the future even brighter. 

How much do you know about Canada? Try out this quiz to test your knowledge!


Question 1: In which Canadian province did the temperature drop to -63C on February 3 1947, making it nearly as cold as the surface of Mars?

Question 2: In Canada we have 563 lakes larger than 100 square kilometres, making us the country with the most amount of lakes worldwide. True or False? 

Question 3: The Amazon Rainforest may be considered the lungs of the earth, but Canada boasts an incredible amount of forested area, too. In fact, Canada is home to over 10% of the world's total forest coverage! How many hectares of forested area do we have?

Question 4: Canada is home to the only city with fortified walls in North America, coming from the country's earliest days as the French and English fought for ownership. Which city is it?

Question 5: Vikings landed on our shores! In 1021, several hundred years before European colonialism, Vikings traveled from Greenland to which Canadian shore?

Question 6: The Maple leaf has been used to represent Canada since 1806! Both the French and the British declared the Maple leaf the official emblem of Canada on two separate occasions. In what year did Canada officially make the Maple Leaf its emblem?

Question 7: Canada is the birthplace of many food creations, such as Poutine, Ketchup Chips, and the Ceaser Cocktail. Pineapple Pizza was also invented by a Canadian! True or False?

Question 8: The name Canada comes from the word Kanata. When Jacques Cartier landed on Turtle Island in 1535, some youth called the area Kanata. While writing about his experiences, Cartier misspelled it as Canada. Kanata is a Huron-Iroquois word. What does it mean?

Question 9: Canada has produced many stars! Celine Dion, Justin Beaver, Ryan Gosling, Michael J Fox, Pamela Anderson, Drake, and more all call Canada home. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is also Canadian! True or False?

Question 10: Canada is home to some of the world's largest National Parks! We even have a National Park overseas. In which country can you find the Vimy Ridge National Park?


Answer 1: The Yukon

Answer 2: True

Answer 3: 362 million

Answer 4: Quebec City

Answer 5: L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland

Answer 6: 2011

Answer 7: True

Answer 8: Village

Answer 9: True

Answer 10: France

Happy Canada Day!

Posted by Ken Richter on


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