DIY Indoor Herb Garden

What is the hottest trend for this spring and summer? Do-it-yourself indoor herb gardens. One need not look far on Pinterest or in home decorating magazines to see that the herb garden craze is blowing up this season. Why? Because herb gardens are useful in every single way imaginable.

First off, herb gardens are extremely cheap to make. Later on in this article we will walk you through how to make your own. Herb gardens are extra cost effective because it will prevent you from ever having to purchase herbs from the store. Furthermore, indoor herb gardens make homes look fresh, the liven up bland living spaces and they make the room they are in smell amazing.

There are so many benefits to making your own indoor herb garden! So, here is how you can do it:

Step 1: Decide on what herbs you want to grow. Popular ones include Mint, Oregano and Basil, but you can pick whichever ones you like. What herb do you use most in your cooking? Pick that one.

Step 2: Decide on the structure of your herb garden. There are literally hundreds of unique designs out there. Again, look no further than Pinterest. For an easy beginners garden, we recommend using Mason Jars. They are easy to display, durable, effective and very cheap.

Step 3: Go to the store and collect your supplies. You will need supplies for your structure, seeds, a spray bottle, soil and fertilizer. To save money, use soil from an existing garden and ask for coffee grounds at your local Starbucks (they are free and make fantastic fertilizer).

Step 4: Mix up the soil and fertilizer evenly into your structure, then plant the seeds in it. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, you don’t want to bury them alive. Use the spray bottle to water the herbs (once they have grown, the spray bottle will be especially effective in keeping the herbs moist and growing).

Step 5: Set the finished product on windowsill or somewhere where it will get lots of light.

That is all there is to it! Now you have a stylish, functional herb garden you can use all year round.

Good luck!

Posted by Ken Richter on


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