Downsizing To Your Retirement Home

Downsizing is hard; especially when you're downsizing to one of the last places you'll reside. There is not a particularly easy way to tip-toe around the reality of this, and we know it can be an emotional process; not just for you, but for your loved ones, too. Here at Team Ken Richter we have helped many people sell their homes as the final step before moving into a retirement home. There's a lot involved, but we're here to support you. 

There are many types of retirement homes. For some, it's a smaller house or condo that is easier to manage and a more appropriate size for their needs. For others, it's a room in an assisted living space. Regardless, you're likely going to need to downsize significantly. Here are some tips for that process:

  1. First, take time to understand the parameters around your new space. Finding out how much space your new home will have is crucial in knowing how intensely you'll have to downsize. For example, a one room suite will force you to get rid of much more furniture than a two bedroom. 
  2. Really evaluate what items in your current home are essential for you to keep. Sometimes having a third party help with this is beneficial. The things we possess hold such an emotional attachment, and so figuring out exactly what you want to take with you can be a complex process. Give it the time it needs.
  3. Remember that just because an item isn't making it to your downsized home, doesn't mean it's going to a landfill. This is an opportunity to bequeath items to your loved ones so they can be treasured for a long time. Have your family and friends come by and take items they like that you won't be keeping. This can be a really special process!
  4. Make sure your needs are met in your new space, then move on to adding the items you want. You can't not have a bed because you want to make space for your record collection, for example. That being said, you don't need to be too ruthless! Make sure your new space feels like home, and brings you joy.

Ready to downsize? Call us today at 403-630-6363!

(Photo created via Canva)

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