Finding The Perfect Roommate


Can you believe that summer is almost over? In two weeks classes will be starting and schedules will go back to normal. While here at Team Ken Richter we are determined to soak in every stray ray of summer available, we’re gearing up to help prepare you for the fall. After all, it will be here before you know it.

One thing that happens at the end of summer is students move back into the city. As students begin pouring back into Calgary to begin a new semester, the rental market spikes. Not only must renters find a new property, but in many cases people need to find new roommates. While there are some single occupancy properties in Calgary, the majority of suites for rent are designed for two or more individuals. Picking a roommate is a crucial aspect of having a good living situation, so choose carefully.

Many people turn to their best friends to be their roommate. They dream of movie nights, cooking together, staying up late talking—basically the sleepover that never ends. Sounds amazing, right? Wrong. Do not pick someone to be your roommate simply because you two are best friends. Pick someone to be your roommate because your living styles are compatible.

When assigning roommates for dormitories, many Universities require applicants to fill out a basic survey of their living habits. Some of the questions included are: are you a night owl or a morning person? Do you like things perfectly organized or are okay with a little mess? Are you introverted or extroverted? Questions such as the ones above are important for both you and your potential roommate to answer honestly. If your answers aren’t the same, you may not be a great match.

Finally, make sure you each know exactly what you are signing up for. Make sure chore duties, length of lease, utility and rent costs are all outlined specifically. If the accountability of your potential roommate is in question, proceed with caution.

Remember, deciding where to rent and who to rent with is an incredibly important decision! Don’t take it lightly.

Posted by Ken Richter on


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