Autumn has arrived, and so has everything that we love about the Fall! Cozy Scarves, sweaters, crunchy leaves, Halloween costumes, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pies, pumpkin candles, pumpkin treats—pumpkin everything, essentially.
What was your favourite thing to do in the Fall when you were a child? For most people it was jumping in a big pile of crunchy leaves and laughing the day away. Perhaps nowadays those leaves are much less enchanting than they were before. Perhaps, for some of you, those leaves are just a total hassle. If this is the case for you, we have a plan!
While the leaves are beautiful, they are bad for your lawn because they trap snow, disabling the water from going into your grass and soil—the place it needs to go in order for you to have a healthy, green grass come fall! So, getting rid of your leaves is essential. How you do it exactly is totally up to you!
We recommend reliving the glory days.
First things first, rake up all the leaves into one massive pile. You could also bribe your children or grandchildren or neighborhood kids or really any child to do this step for you—just make sure you let them bask in the results with you.
What is the next step? Jump in the leaves. Do cannonballs, run and dive head first, fall backwards into them—whatever makes your adrenaline soar and your heart fill with joy. Is your pile getting a little too dispersed? Repeat the first step.
After you have had all the fun that your heart can contain, you have three options for where the leaves go next:
1). Compost them! Dead leaves are a great addition to any pre-existing compost and are a fantastic way to use them for good. If you want to start a compost for the first time, add some soil, any old vegetables and fruit, and throw it all in a garbage container. A quick google search can give you some more tips, too! Another way you can recycle them? Use them as mulch!
2). Buy pumpkin bags! These are massive garbage bags with pumpkins on them! You can get them at your local Canadian Tire and they are the perfect way to contain the leaves and add some great Halloween decorations to your home.
3). Remember that neighbor who has been less than kind to you? Add the leaves to their lawn. It’s like a beautiful autumn present. And karma.
So go get your rake and have fun! That’s what we will be doing here at Team Ken Richter, your Calgary, Montgomery, and Bowness realtor!
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