Due to the COVID-19 virus, many events across the City of Calgary are being cancelled or rescheduled. Venues and businesses are following the advice of Alberta Health Services and adjusting daily to ensure patrons have a safe, positive experience. We strongly recommend that you connect with any place you were planning on attending an event to see what the latest status is.
We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage you to practice safe social distancing and self quarantine. Everyone's participation is required if we want to see the end of this global pandemic. For information on how you can keep yourself and you loved ones safe during these unpredictable times, we recommend going right to the source! Visit Alberta Health Services for updates on what the status of COVID-19 is in our area and tips on how to navigate through your day to day.
Looking for fun things to do while you're at home? Here is a list of 50 Things To Do While Social Distancing to keep you occupied.
Remember to take care of yourself and your community! You've got this, Calgary!
(Photo via Canva)
Posted by Ken Richter on
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