4 Days Until 2018: Most popular New Year's Eve Resolutions

The New Year is a great opportunity to set up  goals and make resolutions. While statistics show that the average person sticks to their resolution for barely a week and a half, there is nothing wrong with positive thinking. 

What are your resolutions for the New Year? At Team Ken Richter we all have different resolutions, from improving our posture to making time for rest on Sundays.

Here are ten of the most popular New Year's Eve Resolutions:

  1. Exercise more / Lose Weight
  2. Quit Smoking / Drinking
  3. Spend more time with friends and family
  4. Find a new job
  5. Save more money / pay off debt
  6. Travel
  7. Learn how to ______
  8. Spend less time online
  9. Find love
  10. Volunteer More

These are all great aspirations that we encourage everyone to pursue! Just make sure to be kind to yourself, and remember: just because you mess up once does not mean you have to wait until next New Year's Eve to start over. 

Wishing you a happy, healthy, prosperous 2018!

(Image Via Canva)

Posted by Ken Richter on


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