Mother's Day: Gift of Love

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. It is a day to celebrate all the Mothers that were, all the Mothers that are, and all the Mothers-to-be. Moms have done so much good for the world, especially for their loved ones. A Mother is a beautiful role that should never be taken for granted, and that is why we look forward to celebrating it every year.

Celebrating Mother’s day is very important, but sometimes it can be tricky to come up with ideas of how to show your Mother she is loved. None of us will ever be able to truly, fully show the Mothers in our lives how much they are appreciated and loved, but we have some ideas to help.

As many know, there are five different love languages: acts of service, gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch. Every Mom is different, so it is important to do something that will feed into her particular love language. First off, figure out what her love language is. Once you have, match it up with a suggestion on our list.

For Mothers who Love Words of Affirmation: Many stores have little books entitled “Things I Love About You.” Whether you want to buy something pre-designed, or get a blank notebook and do it yourself, writing out all the things you love about your Mom into a tangible thing she can read and treasure is a great gift.

For Mothers who Love Acts of Service: Rather than taking your Mother out to dinner, cook her favourite meal at home! Make sure you have all her favourite foods and drinks, and don’t let her help prepare it or clean up! This is an excellent way to dote on your Mother and treat her.

For Mothers who Love Gifts: A really fun, inexpensive gift to put together for your Mother is a gift basket filled with things she loves! Include some nice bath salts, her favourite smelling candles, a book she’s been wanting, a sweet treat, and anything else you can think of! Make it personal.

For Mothers who Love Physical Touch: This may be a classic, but take your Mother out for a Spa day! It is a way to treat her body to a little pampering. And make sure that you give her plenty of hugs throughout the day! They are probably her favourite thing, and nothing beats a hug from your Mom.

For Mothers who Love Quality Time: Spend a day doing things your Mother enjoys! Go for a walk somewhere pretty and take lots of photos together, treat her to high tea someplace like The Dove’s Nest, spend time chatting over coffee or exploring somewhere new together. Create a day that will provide her with a lifetime of beautiful memories.

Posted by Ken Richter on


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