Calgary is in the midst of an incredibly hot real estate market right now! We are currently in a sellers market, and things are getting competitive out there. Many home sellers are navigating multiple offers on their homes within the first few days of their property being listed. While things are beginning to cool off as more inventory enters the market, here are some things to consider for those you selling who are faced with multiple offers to choose from:
If you are 100% flexible, take the highest bid. However, since most sellers don't have that luxury, we don't recommend biting at the highest offer. Carefully consider any contingencies. What is your potential buyer expecting from the property? Some may include in their offer wanting items you plan to take with you when you leave, such as a hot tub or bookshelves. Some may include stipulation that you repair or replace something within the home. Are you willing to meet those parameters? An offer isn't just about the money on the table.
Even when an offer doesn't have any odd contingencies, consider the potential buyer's profile. Have they been pre-approved for a mortgage? Are they working with a reputable real estate professional? Essentially, do they seem trustworthy? Nothing is worse than turning down bids on your home only to have the one you decide to accept fall apart moments later. You may also have a personal interest in making sure your beloved home goes to quality individuals who will love it as much as you do. Consider everything.
Talk to us! Your real estate professional can help give you guidance as you navigate multiple offers. Ken Richter has 30+ years of experience helping sellers find the perfect buyer. He has truly seen everything in every kind of market; his experience is your advantage. Call him directly at 403-630-6363 today!
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