On this Remembrance day, all of us here at Team Ken Richter would like to thank the brave men and woman who have fought for our country, and anyone that has been affected by war. Thank you, fallen soldiers, for sacrificing your lives so that we may experience freedom. Thank you, Veterans, for your courage and sacrifices. Thank you, doctors and nurses, for healing the wounded and providing support admits the trauma. Thank you, men and woman back home, who have cooked, sewed, created, wrote, and supported our troops from one generation to the next. Thank you, everyone who wears a poppy today, for standing in remembrance of the sacrifices, losses, and victories that Canada and its fellow nations have experienced. We are incredibly lucky to live in a country where our freedom is protected and valued. We should not—and will not—take it for granted. So, here’s to you, soldiers and civilians, past and present, who have been touched by the heartbreaking realities of war. And here’s to you, Canada, for standing strong in the face of the enemy. Today, and everyday, we salute you. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the true north strong and free. From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
(Image Created with Canva)
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