Blog Entries Tagged: yyc
Found 137 blog entries tagged as yyc.

And just as quickly as it arrived, the Calgary Stampede has come to a close. It truly is one of the greatest times of the year with the greatest outdoor show on earth. The Stampede is such a point of pride for Calgary, and every year we look forward to experiencing it! We already cannot wait until next year, but in the meantime, here are some highlights from this year:

  1. The Music Lineup: Each year we are always surprised to see who is performing at the Stampede, and this year was no different. There was something for everyone, whether you attended a big show in the Dome or the Cowboys tent.  
  2. The WestJet Chair Lift: If you need to get from one side of the grounds to the other, the chairlift is a great way to do so! Not only do you get to avoid…

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In Calgary we are blessed (and somewhat stressed) to get all four seasons. It means that in the spring we get rain and fresh blooms, that the summer brings hot sunny days, the in the fall we can walk through crunchy golden leaves, and that in the winter we get a blanket of snow over beautiful Calgary. In many other places in the world, they are lucky to experience two seasons, let alone all four. 

Because we get all four seasons, Calgary has worked hard to make sure that there are activity opportunities for residents no matter what the weather looks like outside. One way they have done this is by efficiently transforming sites from season to season, adapting to each new need. The best example of this is the Bowness Lagoon. 

The Bowness Lagoon…

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  1. Parks! Calgary is home to some of the largest and most well-protected green spaces in Canada. Here at Team Ken Richter we love being right by Bowness Park, one of the oldest in the city.
  2. Local Businesses! Calgarians are filled with an entrepreneurial spirit that has brought so many unique, home-grown businesses to the city. We love shopping local!
  3. Theatre! Whether small improv theatre’s like Loose Moose or big-stage productions at Arts Commons, Calgary is home to so much high-quality theatre. Plus, our film industry is growing exponentially!
  4. Western Roots! We love our western roots. Calgary was settled by cowboys, and that cowboy spirit remains the heart of our city.
  5. Downtown Skyline! Calgary truly has one of the most beautiful downtown…

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Are you looking to rent? We have some tips for you!

1). Make a list of non-negotiables and stick to it. Decide before hand what you are willing to spend each month on rent and utilities in order to narrow down your search, only look at places that are pet friendly if that is something you need, if you do not like basement suites, add that to your list, etc! Be flexible, but stick to what you absolutely will not negotiate on and don’t waste your time searching for places that do not fit that criteria.

2). Location is the most important part of whatever space it is you decide to rent. For most people, location is the make-or-break feature of any potential space. Narrow your search into looking only for places by a bus stop, near your place of work…

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This week has been a tumultuous one weather-wise. From hail to tornado warnings, Calgarians everywhere have been hunkering down and taking refuge from the storms. While blue sky has managed to sneak through the gloomy clouds for hours at a time, it remains a terrible tease for what August is typically like here. Rain, rain go away, don’t come back another day.

In today’s post, we want to take your mind off the rainy weather. It will go away soon, we promise. After all, this isn’t Vancouver. We want to prepare you for when the rain finally does go away and you can go back to enjoying Calgary in all of its glory. Since Bowness and Montgomery are two of Team Ken Richter’s favourite communities, we’re going to focus on what they have to offer for…

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Stampede season is in full swing! We hope that the rain has not dampened your spirits at all and that you take time to celebrate and go have fun. Nothing kicks off a great summer in YYC quite like the Stampede. By now, most people know the basics about the Stampede: it’s called the largest outdoor show on earth, there is a rodeo where you can win big money, the midway is full of quirky food, etc.. However, here are some interesting facts about the Calgary Stampede that you may not know:

Crash Landing: “During the 1919 Stampede, the revelers of Calgary had their midway fun suddenly interrupted by the expected emergency landing of a Curtis Jenny biplane on top of the midway carousel” (Flight Network). Luckily no one was injured and the show went on…

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Daylight Savings is this weekend, and we are springing forward! We may be losing an hour of sleep, but it means we’re one hour closer to spring blossoms and summer nights.

While most clocks will automatically spring forward these days, be sure to check items such as kitchen appliances and older vehicles. It’s always worth the small inconvenience to figure out how to change the time on these clocks—don’t be one of those people who leave it until autumn when we gain the hour back.

Why do we practice daylight savings? The main reason is to conserve energy. By setting our clocks ahead we gain more daylight hours in the spring and summer, which means less artificial light is needed during waking hours. To offset this adjustment, we lose an hour of…

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Outdoor living spaces are such a enviable luxury. Plain backyards can be transformed into works of art with varnished decks, ponds, twinkling lights, gardens and patio furniture. Here in Calgary we get the pleasure of having some beautiful outdoor living spaces since most homes have some variety of a backyard and the weather is nice enough to use the space to its maximum potential for about two months of the year. Unfortunately, this good weather does not last.

All of the outdoor living space elements mentioned above need to be winterized for the other eight months of the year. This is to ensure they don’t get damaged in harsh weather conditions. Here are some tips on how to properly winterize your outdoor living space before the frost comes:

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Calgary was first established as a city in 1894. Although we are a relatively new compared to our European neighbors, the buildings and communities that make up this beautiful city are rich with history. If the walls around Calgary could tell stories, they would be filled with adventure and resilience.

In recent years the city of Calgary has strived to maintain places with historic significance so that people can enjoy them for years to come. Rather than tare down the old to make way for the new, YYC is preserving and protecting places of historic significance. These historic sites are beautiful, educational and are more common than you may think. Heritage park may have an incredible collection of historic buildings, but the rest of Calgary has…

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Happy July, everyone!

Following Canada Day this past Wednesday, Calgarians are ramping up for a beautiful summer. It was supposed to be rainy and gloomy all week but the skies are clear and, after months of quarantine, people are itching to get outside and breathe in the fresh air. Unfortunately, large events are still cancelled in Calgary for the month of July. Thankfully, Avenue Calgary has lots of ideas for how you can have fun this month while staying safe! Check out these helpful resources:

  • 20 Best Things to Do in Calgary This July (While Social Distancing)
  • How to Golf Safely at City of Calgary Golf Courses
  • Virtual Calgary Runs Happening This Summer
  • 4 Calgary Walks We Love Right Now

You should also check out a number of…

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