The Gift That Matters

Everyone has that one person on their shopping list that is impossible to buy for during the Christmas season. This person either has everything they could ever need or want, or they have absolutely no clue what they want and keep saying over and over “it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.” It does matter, because you love them and want to treat them to something that they would really like. So, what do you do?

While we live in a world caught up in consumerism and acquiring materialistic goods, there is a strong movement stirring in the hearts of people—especially in Canada—to give back, rather than to receive. Thanks to so much media at our fingertips, we are more aware than ever of the tragedies going on around us. Everyone wants to help, but how?

You can merge these two ideas together. What do you get someone who has everything they could ever need or want? Nothing. What do you get someone who has no clue what they want and insists it doesn’t matter? Nothing. You get them nothing. Instead you give, for them. After all, sometimes the best gift is one that they won’t get to open Christmas day.

World Vision has an amazing program that allows you to give in someone’s name! A card will be mailed to you before Christmas so that the person has something to open, and can see where your gift in their name went. There is a plethora of different things you can donate, from chickens to cows, which go into helping families in poor countries. Check out their link here:

Samaritans Purse has a gift catalogue similar to World Vision, but that’s not the only thing you can do with them! They have a wonderful program where you can actually pack a shoebox for a child online! It is incredibly easy, and such a great gift to give someone! Check it out:

If you are not sure where you want to donate in someone’s name, or if you’d rather just let them decide where they want to put the money, you can check out . All you have to do is buy a gift card for someone, and they get to pick where the money goes! All of the charities on their website are approved and legitimate.

Give a gift that matters.

Posted by Ken Richter on


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