Tips For Saving Money On Food

With inflation putting a strain on the wallets of Canadians everywhere, pinching pennies is becoming less of a hobby and more of a deliberate lifestyle choice. As households scale back to make sure that every dollar counts, people are having to avoid impulse buys and put more thought into their daily transactions. While we know seasons of inflation don’t last forever, it’s those who are wise who survive the storm.

One of the most common areas people are seeing their wallets whimper is at the grocery store. You’re hearing it everywhere: when did basic household staples, like bread and milk, become so expensive? Even places that always seemed to offer a good deal are scaling back the red discount stickers in favor of rising costs. While arguments could be made about big corporations using rumors of inflation as an excuse to increase their bottom line, the reality is food is more expensive these days.

Here are some tips for those of you looking to cut down on your monthly spending on food:

Take note of where items you purchase frequently are the least expensive. For example, Walmart often has the best deal on baking staples such as flour and icing sugar. If you can afford the time and travel to visit multiple stores in order to find the best deal, do so.

Remember that food can be found in unlikely places, such as the Dollar Store! If you’re looking for dried goods such as soups and spices, or even food preparation supplies like cutting boards and Ziploc bags, the Dollar Store has got you covered.

Don’t fall for the old adage that bulk buying costs less. It can be tempting to drop $500.00 at Costco because you leave with such a high volume of items, but sometimes you’re not always getting a deal. You also aren’t often getting a full meal. Thirty pounds of rice is a great start, but a meal requires more than that.

Sign up for rewards programs! PC Optimum, Scene, Airmiles and more are all points programs that eventually lead to better discounts and money off your final total. It can take some time to build to any significant reward, but earning something back is better than nothing.

The best tips? Avoid eating out when you can, and make meals that provide lots of leftovers. You can be frugal and also enjoy some delicious food, so don’t get discouraged. What’s your favourite budget-friendly tip for food? Let us know in the comments below!

Posted by Ken Richter on


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