Vegetable Gardening Tips

Gardening season is upon us now that the ground is thawed and the trees are starting to blossom. Gardening in Calgary is an interesting endeavor with how short our summers are. However, many Calgarians turn to it as a more sustainable, ethical, and cost-friendly means of collecting fresh vegetables and fruits!

Here are some gardening tips for those of you who are looking for some inspiration and education:

  • "Make the most of your time and space by growing vegetables that produce a high yield. At the top of the list are tomatoes, onions and lettuce. They require the least amount of space and time, but give the most valuable yields in return. Melons, winter squash and pumpkins are fun to grow, but take much more space and produce very little." - Gilmour
  • "The first step to growing a healthy garden is marking off exactly where you want the beds to go. Consider the size, shape, and location of your garden to figure out the best set-up for you. Keep in mind that it can always be changed over time if necessary." - Good Housekeeping
  • "So you need to test your garden soil but don’t want to buy a test kit? Check soil pH inexpensively at home with this DIY test. Mix some of your soil with vinegar and, if it bubbles, the soil is alkaline. Mix with baking soda and, if it bubbles, the soil is acidic. No reaction means the soil is neutral." - Gardening Know How
  • "Insects can quickly turn a backyard vegetable garden into a mess. Be vigilant. Look at your plants daily or at least every few days and notice any damage to the leaves or other parts. Holes in the leaves, brown leaves, gray leaves, or small bugs swarming your plants are immediate warning signals. Learn the signs of insect damage and how to prevent or treat it." - Home Garden Joy
  • "Every region has a different planting time based mainly on their weather, and every vegetable has its temperature preferences, too. See the Almanac’s Best Planting Dates—a gardening calendar customized to your local frost dates. Just enter your zip code (or postal code in Canada)!" - Farmers Almanac

Happy Gardening!

(Image Created With Canva)

Posted by Ken Richter on


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