What To Do When You Can't Decide


Finding a new home can be difficult and emotional experience.  After all, this is a major life decision. This why it is so important that you partner with a licensed, experienced real estate agent like Ken Richter. Ken has been working in this industry for over 30 years and understands everything that needs to go into making this major decision. He will always be looking out for your best interests and will make sure you are informed and protected throughout the entire process. Call him today at 403.630.6363 to discuss your real estate needs!

After walking through different properties, doing research on the areas and starting to imagine what all your furniture would look like different homes, making a final decision can be hard. When you're torn between multiple properties and don't know which one you want to put an offer on, what do you do? Go through these simple questions and answer them to help yourself gain clarity:

  1. What features of a home were on my 'need' list? Which home has more of those checked off? Does one home have some things on my "wants" list, but few "needs?"
  2. What do I like most about each home, and what value will those things add to my life?
  3. Statistically, which home is in the better neighborhood? Which neighborhood is most compatible with my life?
  4. Which home is closest to my job, school, activity of choice, etc.? Is a longer commute worth it? If so, why?
  5. Do I like this home because I see potential, or do I like it for what it already has? If I only see potential, am I ready/willing to put in the work to get that potential to fruition?
  6. Who knows me best, and which home do they think I should choose? (Be careful with this one; too many opinions, or biased opinions, won't be helpful!)
  7. If I were to put an offer on one home and the other sold, would I regret my choice?
  8. Which home is more affordable? (Note: This does not mean which is cheapest. However, sometimes buyers will stretch their budget too much to get a nicer home.)
  9. Which home will be best for me in 5 years? 10 years? 25 years?
  10. What is my gut instinct?

Remember this: while this is a major decsion, you will eventually have to decide. There are always going to be a 1000 what ifs and different outcomes. Don't meditate on what could be: focus on what is right in front of you, the life you are currently living, and shake off all other fear and anxiety. You can do this! Best wishes!

Posted by Ken Richter on


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