Your May Update

Normally at the beginning of each month we share fun events happening around the city for you to check out. However, these days life looks different as we continue to self isolate and social distance. has rolled out really encouraging information regarding the reopening of the province following strict shutdowns. They write, "Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy puts safety first while gradually reopening businesses, resuming activities and getting people back to work. While we face a long road to recovery, there are signs our collective efforts are helping slow the spread of COVID-19. We must ensure the sacrifices we have already made are not wasted. To be successful, we must stay vigilant to slow the spread: follow public health measures, practice physical distancing and good hygiene, and continue acting responsibily." You can read more about the long term plan by clicking here.

In light of this, and the lack of events happening, here are some helpful resources for ideas on what to do as we continue to navigate COVID-19:

(Photo via Canva)

Posted by Ken Richter on


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