Home Buyer's Guide and Tools
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Use our interactive map searching tool to browse the wide variety of homes on the Calgary market right now. Make sure you look at our listings, too. We would love to match you with one of our great sellers.
Register for the Home Finder
Register today and help your dream home find you. As a member you can create saved searches, collect favorites and sign up for instant email alerts when new homes that match your criteria come on the market.
First-Time Buyers
Read about some aspects of buying a property that you need to be aware of, if you're new to this process.
Learn About Calgary Neighbourhoods
Before you decide where to buy, explore the different neighbourhoods in Calgary. Each community in Calgary has its own distinct personality and resources to offer you. Find the best match for you.
Buy Your Home With Ken Richter
Read our buyer's guarantee and find out why working with Team Ken Richter takes the guesswork out of buying a home.
Mortgage Calculator
Use the Mortgage Calculator to figure out what your mortgage payments will be on the home you want.
Out-Of-Country Purchasers
We can help you buy a property in Calgary even if you're in another country. We recommend you browse our About Calgary and Neighbourhood pages for an insider’s look at this great city
Connect With Us
Contact us anytime you need to know more about the property that interests you or the surrounding area. When you're ready to take the next step toward purchasing a home, we're here to help.
Please fill out the form below and one of our qualified agents will be in contact to help you get started on your home search.
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