Winston Heights - Mountainview Real Estate
Similar to its neighbour to the west, homes for sale in Winston Heights-Mountainview has many of the same attractions and amenities that make up Tuxedo Park. Real estate, design and housing types, as well as pricing, are very similar. The neighbourhood is mostly made up of wide lot bungalows, infill properties, duplex, multiplex, and two-story houses. These properties are perfect for redevelopment as many investors and homebuyers are coming to be part of one of the city’s hottest urban communities. There is also some multi-family housing that can be found in Winston Heights-Mountainview. Real estate in the area has great outdoor recreational facilities that include Winston Golf Club, Fox Hollow Golf Course, and the Eaglequest Golf Dome.
Winston Heights is also close to major public transportation and public transit routes, has two schools and a community centre. To see if this community works for you, get in touch with Ken Richter today!
Property Types
(active listings)
Real Estate Statistics
Average Price
Lowest Price
Highest Price
Total Listings
Avg. Days On Market
Avg. Price/SQFT
- Abbeydale
- Beddington Heights
- Bridgeland/Riverside
- Castleridge
- Cityscape
- Coral Springs
- Cornerstone
- Coventry Hills
- Crescent Heights
- Crossroads
- Falconridge
- Franklin
- Harvest Hills
- Highland Park
- Homestead
- Huntington Hills
- Livingston
- Marlborough
- Marlborough Park
- Martindale
- Mayland - Mayland Heights
- Meridian
- Monterey Park
- Mountview - Winston Heights
- Pineridge
- Redstone
- Renfrew
- Rundle
- Saddle Ridge
- Skyview Ranch
- Sunridge
- Taradale
- Temple
- Tuxedo Park
- Vista Heights
- Whitehorn
Browse Inner City Calgary Communities
- Altadore
- Banff Trail
- Bankview
- Bel-Aire
- Beltline/Connaught
- Bridgeland/Riverside
- Britannia
- Cambrian Heights
- Capitol Hill
- Cliff Bungalow
- Crescent Heights
- Downtown East Village / Victoria Park
- Downtown West End
- Elbow Park
- Elboya
- Erlton
- Highwood
- Hillhurst
- Hounsfield Heights/Briar Hill
- Inglewood
- Killarney/Glengarry
- Lower Mount Royal
- Mount Pleasant
- Parkdale
- Parkhill
- Renfrew
- Rideau Park
- Rosedale
- Rosemont
- Sunalta
- Sunnyside
- Tuxedo Park
- Upper Mount Royal
- Winston Heights/Mountview